Welcome to Ad and Malicious Content Observatory

Mission of the project

The mission of this project is to observe malicious ads and content from different websites, for experiments and research purpose.Please contribute to a better understanding of how advertisers target audiences on social media websites. When you download the Malicious Content Observer browser extension, your anonymous information is joined with that of thousands of other volunteers to improve the information on this site.

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Summary Statistics

Total Ads:7704
Unique Ads:3780
Repeated Ads:3924
Last 24 Hours Ads:26

Ads and Plugin Details

Local Ads:756
Last 24 Hours:0
International Ads:6948
Last 24 Hours:26
Ads From Google Plugin:7578
Last 24 Hours:26
Ads From FireFox Plugin:126
Last 24 Hours:0

Categories wise Ads Details

Date wise Ads Details

We need your help!

Please contribute to a better understanding of how advertisers target audiences on social media websites. When you download the Malicious Content Observer browser extension, your anonymous information is joined with that of thousands of other volunteers to improve the information on this site.